Seeing your team win in person can be great, but you know that it can get pretty darn expensive.
If you’ve ever been to a game, you know very well that cheap seats don’t really come cheap. Plus, if you want to take your entire family with you, it can easily cost an arm and a leg. You pay for the tickets, snacks, parking, and the essential foam finger. What some may not realize is they can attend sporting events on a budget.
If you wish to attend professional and collegiate sporting events, here are five ways to not to miss out even when you’re on a budget:
Keep an Eye Out for Discounts
If you’ve never heard of “discount nights,” read on. Some sports teams offer all-in-one deals that cover everything from parking, tickets, and food. You just have to take your time to compare prices, stay tuned for updates, and save the dates on your calendar. This gives you enough time to save up.
Consider Buying from Resellers
Buying tickets directly from your sports team is still the most popular option, but there’s a whole world you haven’t explored: ticket reselling. You can find great deals on platforms like eBay and Facebook Marketplace. Just make sure you’re buying from legit sellers and not the sketchy ones. One way to do this is to check reviews and ratings.
Say No to Buy Now, Pay Later
As they say, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Who wants to shell out 500 bucks when you can pay for the total in five easy installments? These things are only good if you can pay consistently, but what if you suddenly can’t? You can easily run up interest, and you’ll end up paying more than what you’ve bargained for.
Try the Cheap Seats in the Back
We’ve already mentioned that cheap seats aren’t exactly cheap, but they’re still exactly that — the cheapest. You and your family may not be able to see your favorite players up close, but at least you’re ready to cheer them on even if you’re all seated on the upper level. You’ll definitely get that heart rate up when you go back and forth to the concession stands or use the washroom.
Rely on Word of Mouth
Have you ever been to a game and noticed all the empty seats? We have two words for you: Ask around! Sometimes, tickets don’t get purchased. Other times, there’s that colleague of yours with an important family event to go to, needing to sell their tickets — fast. Try to negotiate, especially when the date is close. You’ll likely end up with a good deal.
To Wrap It Up
Attending sports events can be a fun experience for you and your family but going to a game can put a hole in your wallet. If you want to have fun at sporting events without breaking the bank, keep these tips in mind to stay within your budget.