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What’s the Deal with Debt Consolidation?


Have you heard the term “debt consolidation” tossed around? It sounds both intimidating and interesting. A way to simplify your debt and monthly payments? Perfect! But debt consolidation isn’t for everyone, especially if you don’t want to rush into something that isn’t right for your finances. Read on to find out if this solution is right for you! 

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Tips for Teaching Kids About Money


Money management may not seem like the most fun topic to discuss with your children, but it is truly a life-changing investment. Instead of a passive attitude towards kids and their finances, we can take charge of the conversation without making it boring or scary. Check out this blog for tips on how to start!

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3 Reasons Your Resolutions Are Already Failing


About 84% of people aren’t able to follow through on their resolutions, but that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel! It is absolutely possible to stick to your resolutions— you just need to recognize the common pitfalls of failing resolutions and plan to overcome them. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered three reasons many resolutions fail and some ways you can get back on track.

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Start Holiday Shopping Early


For most of your life, Thanksgiving (and subsequently Christmas) have probably involved family bonding opportunities and hassle-free trips to the grocery store and mall. However, because of the pandemic and its effects on retailers worldwide, the holiday season might look a little different this year.

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Renting vs. Owning


There are many reasons why people choose to rent rather than own a home. Some renters simply like the idea of owning a temporary place as they are still unsure if they want to settle down while others want to avoid the many expenses of ownership. However, there are some downsides...

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How to Avoid Purchasing Flooded and Fixed Cars


Hurricane Ida is one of the strongest hurricanes to hit the U.S. in recent memory, causing much flooding and devastation. After an event like this, flooded cars often enter the used car market. Find out how to avoid getting a bad deal on one of these cars.

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How To Tip In Different Situations


Not sure when you should tip and how much you should tip in various situations? Read our blog to find out the answers!

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Buying Your First Car


Check out our short guide on the things you should and shouldn’t do when buying a new car from a dealer!

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4 Financial Tips for College Freshmen


As you venture out into the world as a college freshman, you now have a lot more freedom and more responsibility, especially financially. Read for tips on how to cut down unnecessary spending and even gain more money in the process.

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Buying vs Leasing a Car


Not sure whether to buy or lease a car? Learn about the benefits and pitfalls you might encounter and which option is the smarter financial choice for you!

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