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Mortgage Calculators
Use this mortgage calculator to determine your monthly payment and generate an estimated amortization schedule. Quickly see how much interest you could pay and your estimated principal balances. Enter prepayment amounts to calculate their impact on your mortgage.
The first step in buying a house is determining your budget. The mortgage qualifier calculator steps you through the process of finding out how much you can borrow. You can calculate your mortgage qualification based on income, purchase price or total monthly payment.
How long will it take to break even on a mortgage refinance? Use the mortgage refinance calculator to sort through a multitude of factors including your current interest rate, the new potential rate, closing costs and how long you plan to stay in your home. The mortgage refinance calculator helps sort through the confusion and determine if refinancing your mortgage is a sound financial decision.
Should you rent or should you buy your home? It takes more than looking at your mortgage payment to answer this question. The Home Rent vs. Buy calculator helps you weed through the fees, taxes and monthly payments to help you make a decision between these two options. This report is based on the original purchase price, fees and taxes payable at that time. Insurance and tax costs can fluctuate from year to year.
Loan Calculators
Enter your desired payment - and let us calculate your loan amount. Or, enter in the loan amount and we will calculate your monthly payment. You can then examine your principal balances by payment, total of all payments made, and total interest paid.
Determining which loan provides you with the best value involves more than simply comparing monthly payments. Use this calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs associated with getting a new loan. By comparing these important variables side by side, this calculator can help you pick the loan that works best for you.
This calculator helps determine your loan or line payment. For a loan payment, select fixed-term loan. For a credit line payment, you can choose 2%, 1.5% or 1.0% of the outstanding balance or interest only.
Credit Cards and Debt Management
Consolidating your debt is only half of the battle. You still need a plan to get your debt paid in full. This calculator can show you how to accelerate your debt payoff. The process is simple; just apply a portion of your consolidated loan's monthly payment savings to the consolidated loan's balance. You can save hundreds, even thousands in interest and shave years off of your loan!
Should you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine whether debt consolidation is right for you.
Use this calculator to find out how much you owe. This can be used as a good starting point for your debt management plan. Enter all of your credit cards and outstanding installment loan balances. Find out how much you owe and how long it will take to pay it all off.
Auto Calculators
Determine your car loan payment based on your purchase price or find out how much you can buy based on your monthly payment.
Should you lease or buy your car? Use this calculator to find out! We calculate your monthly payments and your total net cost. By comparing these amounts, you can determine which is the better value for you.
Retirement Savings and Planning
Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan. View your retirement savings balance and your withdrawals for each year until the end of your retirement.
Savings Calculators
Consistent investments over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth. Even small additions to your savings add up over time. This calculator demonstrates how to put this savings strategy to work for you.
Saving for your children's education requires a long-term plan. And, like saving for retirement, the earlier you start your plan the better. Use this calculator to help develop or fine-tune your education savings plan.